
Oh happy day!  Your braces just came off and you can’t wait to take a bite of an apple again.  You were so excited and busy taking selfies that you forgot everything we told you about your retainers.  No worries, here are the highlights:
• Wear them full time unless eating or brushing your teeth until told to only wear at night
If your orthodontist glued a wire behind your teeth this is called a fixed or bonded retainer.  These are sometimes incorrectly referred to as a permanent retainers.  Unfortunately, with teeth nothing is permanent and they may need to be serviced in the future if they become dislodged or broken.  If this happens see your orthodontist as soon as possible because teeth may still shift quickly even if it’s been years since your braces were finished.
• When you take them out to brush, clean your retainers by brushing them with a toothbrush or using a Q-tip.  We like unscented liquid hand soap because some toothpastes can stain clear retainers.  You can also soak them in Retainer Brite or Efferdent Fresh Guard solutions but no mouthwash (it will turn them green).  Retainers build up crud just like your teeth do and will get grimy in no time if not cleaned properly.
• When eating, never put them in a napkin and put them on your tray or plate.  They will get thrown away and nobody likes dumpster diving to look for a lost retainer
• Keep them away from your dog and cat.  They don’t make a good chew toy but your dog or cat would love to test them out for you.
• Make sure you bring them to all retainer check appointments.  It’s hard to check a retainer when it’s at home in your drawer.
If you need to sterilize your retainer you can soak the retainer in a solution of 1 part household bleach to 10 parts water for 15 minutes.  Make sure to rinse the retainer well before you put it back into your mouth.

Remember your retainers won’t last a lifetime and typically need to be replaced every couple years.  If they tear, crack, break or begin to get holes in them come back an have them remade.  If you were given a model of your teeth, make sure to bring this to save on the cost of a new retainer

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Retainers FAQs

Your Top Questions Answered for Lasting Smile Perfection

How long should I wear my retainer after braces?

Your orthodontist will create a custom plan for you, usually starting with full-time wear right after braces are removed. Over time, you might be able to switch to wearing it only at night.

When do I need to get a new retainer?

You'll need a new retainer if yours is damaged, feels loose, or if your teeth have shifted. Your orthodontist will assess the fit and condition of your retainer during regular check-ups.

What's the best way to care for my retainer?

Clean your retainer daily with a soft toothbrush and lukewarm water, avoid heat, and store it in its case when not in use. Regular cleaning prevents buildup and odors.

What types of retainers might I have to use?

There are removable and fixed retainers; your orthodontist will recommend the best type based on your treatment needs. Each type has specific benefits that will be explained to you.

How can I improve my speech while wearing a retainer?

Practice speaking and reading out loud to adjust faster to your retainer. Your orthodontist may also provide exercises to help with speech adaptation.

Why would I need to wear my retainer all day?

Full-time wear is often necessary right after braces to stabilize your teeth. Your orthodontist will monitor your progress and adjust your wear schedule accordingly.

What should I do if my retainer is uncomfortable?

If your retainer causes discomfort, see your orthodontist for an adjustment. They'll ensure it fits properly and comfortably.

What do I do if I lose or break my retainer?

Contact your orthodontist immediately for a replacement to prevent teeth from shifting. They'll arrange for a new retainer quickly.

Are there foods or habits I should avoid with a retainer?

Avoid hard, sticky foods and don't chew on hard objects to protect your retainer. Always remove it before eating to prevent damage.

My teeth have shifted because I didn't wear my retainer. What now?

Schedule an appointment with your orthodontist to evaluate the shift and discuss options, which may include a new retainer or additional treatment. They'll work with you to correct any changes.

How do retainers help after braces?

Retainers maintain your teeth's position after your braces are removed. They ensure that the teeth don't drift back to their original spots and help solidify the changes made during orthodontic treatment.

What are the different kinds of retainers?

There are three main types of retainers: Hawley retainers, which have a metal wire and acrylic base; clear plastic retainers, also known as Essix or Invisalign-type retainers; and permanent retainers, which are bonded wires fixed behind the teeth.

How long is a retainer necessary?

The duration for wearing a retainer varies per individual. Initially, you might need to wear it all day, then only at night. Eventually, you may just wear it a few nights a week. Your orthodontist will provide a tailored schedule based on your needs.

Should I remove my retainer when I eat?

Yes, always take out your retainer before eating to prevent damage and to keep it clean. Food can get trapped and lead to bacteria buildup if you eat with it in.

What's the best way to clean my retainer?

Brush your retainer gently with a toothbrush and lukewarm water daily. Avoid hot water and harsh cleaners. For a more thorough cleaning, consider using a retainer cleaning solution or mild dish soap.

Will a retainer impact how I talk?

Initially, you might notice a slight change in your speech, such as a lisp, but this usually goes away as you get used to wearing the retainer.

What if my retainer doesn't fit right?

If your retainer feels uncomfortable or doesn't fit, don't try to adjust it yourself. Contact your orthodontist for proper fitting to avoid damaging your teeth or the appliance.

When should I get a new retainer?

Replace your retainer if it's damaged, warped, or no longer fits well. With good care, retainers can last several years, but check with your orthodontist for their specific advice on replacement.

Can a retainer correct minor teeth movements after braces?

Yes, a retainer can often correct small shifts in your teeth post-braces. If you notice any movement, increase retainer use and consult your orthodontist.

What do I do if I lose my retainer?

Get in touch with your orthodontist immediately if you lose your retainer to get a replacement. Going too long without one can allow your teeth to start shifting.

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